
21st Century Learning

I am a 21st Century learner and teacher.  Recently, I saw this video on a teacher friend's blog and is spoke to my heart and to my beliefs about my role as an educator.  

If after watching that video, you find yourself intrigued and your curiosity peeked... please watch this video that discuss what a 21st Century learner/student would look like...

In my classroom I try to facilitate as much inquiry as possible.   When planning, I try not think of "covering the curriculum" but instead creating opportunities for my students to understand the curriculum.  Knowledge is constantly changing and what I hope to instil in my students is that they don't need to know all the answers.  Instead, they need to be able to ask the right questions to discover whatever knowledge they may be seeking!   

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Blogging Post! How to be a Primary Teacher and what is it like to be a primary school teacher in the 21st century? Well, it’s possibly very different to what you remember from school and definitely one of the few jobs in the United Kingdom that allows you to make a difference, and make the world a better place, every single working day.
